Highland Prep has partnered with Project Lead the Way (PLTW) to offer its students premium Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) curriculum. The PLTW program engages students in activities, projects, and problem-based learning, which provides hands-on classroom experiences. HP’s students will create, design, build, discover, collaborate and solve problems while applying what they learn in math and science. They will also be exposed to STEM fields through professionals from local industries who supplement the real-world aspect of the curriculum through mentorships and workplace experiences.
The PLTW curriculum is founded in the fundamental problem-solving and critical-thinking skills taught in traditional career and technical education along with national academic and technical learning standards and STEM principles, creating what U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan calls one of the “great models of the new CTE succeeding all across the country.” PLTW was recently cited by the Harvard Graduate School of Education as a “model for 21st century career and technical education.”
In the first year, Highland Prep will feature Pathway to Engineering (PTE), which explores the design process and links STEM principles to relevant problem-solving activities. PTE courses complement traditional mathematics and science courses and can serve as the foundation for STEM-centered or specialized academies. PTE is designed to prepare students to pursue a post-secondary education and careers in STEM-related fields. The program will promote hands-on exploration, inquiry design, and problem solving. Each level consists of various theme projects that enable students to explore and understand science technology, engineering, and mathematics concept areas. Additionally, the program meets CCSS and the National Science Education Standards, and standards of ISTE, and ITEEA. In year 2, Highland Prep will add Principals of Engineering (POE), and in year 3 Civil Engineering & Architecture (CEA) as well as Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM).
PLTW Evidence: click here
Course Overviews: Our school offers 10 Dual College Enrollment classes in engineering and computer science
- Biomedical Engineering: click here
- Computer Science: click here
- Engineering: click here
For more information about PLTW click here.