ACT® Aspire System

\Highland Prep monitors our student’s preparation for college and career readiness in Reading, Writing, and Mathematics using the ACT® Aspire System. The ACT® Aspire System is a vertically-articulated, benchmarked, standards-based system of assessments that can be used to highlight progress towards ACT® College Readiness Standards and Benchmarks as well as Arizona State Standards. The system incorporates multiple question types including constructed response, selected response, and technology-enhanced items to better assess student knowledge and provide more meaningful insights in student achievement and growth. The assessments are given to students in the fall and spring of each school year. The assessment results are reported by subject and content area and readiness measures for key college and career indicators are also provided in the reports.

ACT® Aspire, Exemplar Test Items-Reading – click here

ACT® Aspire, Exemplar Test Items-Writing – click here

ACT® Aspire, Exemplar Test Items-Mathematics – click here